"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Friday, May 13, 2011

California 2011, Part 1: California, here we come!

Guess what we did recently?? We kicked off Summer 2011 by flying out to see my grandparents in northern California. I had looked forward to our California vacation for many months, and was very happy when it finally arrived. As you can probably tell by now, we flew on Delta, my favorite airline! :D Flying can never be normal, and our journey westward was not an exception. At about 4am on the day we were scheduled to fly, Delta Airlines called to say that our connecting flight to Atlanta was delayed an hour, so we would have a layover in Salt Lake City as well. Oh well! At least we had enough time to walk between gates.

Salt Lake City is one of the most beautiful airports that I have ever seen. I've never been to Salt Lake City before, and my previous opinions was that it was in the middle of a desert. Not so! The snow-capped mountains that surround the city and lake are just goregeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. And while Salt Lake City airport is good sized, it was a lot more friendly than Atlanta! I can't wait to fly out of Salt Lake City on my flight simulator.

While we were waiting for our planes in both Atlanta and Salt Lake City, I whipped out my camera and snapped a few shots of the planes outside the terminal. Included with this article are some of the better shots I took. Enjoy! :)


In Atlanta:

(above and below): Next few photos of Delta planes in their hometown, Atlanta. Above and below are features Delta 757s.

 (above and below): Next four photos of a Delta 767.

 ^^I loved this shot!

^^Tails in Deltaland.

In Salt Lake City:

(above and below): closups of a Skywest prop plane that I originally thought we'd be flying on to California. Actually we flew on a a jet--the CRJ-200.

^^Delta in Salt Lake City.
^^The 757 that flew us to Salt Lake, from Atlanta.
^^Salt Lake City panorama.
^^Skywest and Delta in front of beautiful, snow-capped mountains.

^^Another view of the Skywest prop plane that I had originally thought we'd be flying on.

To be continued...

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