"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blogging Through The Gospels: Matthew

To be honest, I really don't know where or how to start this post. Yesterday we finished Matthew and we're not starting Mark until tomorrow, and today is a time to just reflect on what we've learned in the past month or so. I really wasn't sure how to go about this kind of post, so I looked around for some ideas. Here's my "top ten" list of favorite lessons from Matthew:

1. God gives us what we need when we need it. Remember the Wise Men? They came and gave their gifts right before Mary, Joseph, and Jesus had to flee to Egypt. I'm sure Mary and Joseph greatly appreciated the Wise Men's gifts as they fled to Egypt. God will give us too what we need when we need it. See Matthew 2 & 3.

2. Scripture is the way to go to resist temptation. Remember Jesus in the wilderness, being tempted by Satan?? It's one thing to be tempted and know something is wrong...but you have a lot more power to resist when you can quote a Scripture verse telling you not to do something. See Matthew 4.

3. We need to be in quiet surroundings to listen to God. Remember the story of Jarius' daughter? Jesus had to clear out all who were making noise before he performed his miracle. In our quiettimes, do we just talk, or do we listen to God too? "Be still and know that I am God"! See Matthew 9.
Additionally, in Matthew 14 we learn how Jesus would often get away from the crowds and commune with his Father for great periods of time. Talking with his Father was Jesus' anchor in his crazy life. Do we always view quiettime with God as a must? We should.

4. God is interested in all of us--including our minds and thoughts. It seem like an unconquerable challenge, but God does require that we have pure thoughts...and only pure thoughts. The good news is that he will help us! See Matthew 15. In Matthew 16, I was impressed on how God views no sin as "little" or "big". They are all hideous to him! Because "little" sins will stack up and become "big" sins....truly, it's those little, almost unnoticed decisions that make up who we are.

5. Remember the story of the Transfiguration? Jesus treats Peter, James, and John to a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and then loudmouth Peter blabs off and ruins the whole experience for everyone. Do we listen more than we talk? We should. See Matthew 18.

6. Do we kill Jesus? In Matthew 21, Jesus tells a parable in which some wicked vineyard tenants kill the vineyard owner's son. We may not kill Jesus physically, but do we kill him by the books we read? The movies we watch? The websites we surf when nobody's watching??

7. Remember when Jesus says what the greatest commandment is? He says it is to love God with your heart, soul, and mind. In other words, every part of you. Do you give God all of you? Or just a few hours on the weekend? See Matthew 22.

8. As Jesus was agonizing in Gethsemane, he finally came to a point when he said, "not my will be done, but yours." Do we say that to God now? I don't think so, or else we certainly don't do it enough. Do we give up self and do whatever God says? I think this is an area where we could all use some improvment. See Matthew 26.

9. Matthew 27 covers Jesus' "trial" and crucifixion. In the story Pilate gives the crowd the choice of who to go free: Barabbas the murderer or Jesus the Christ. Who do you choose? Death, or Life? Sin, or Him who had no sin? Later on the chapter tells about how the Roman centurion finally publically declares that Jesus was God. Who do you say he is? A good man? Or someone who can forgive your sins and give you eternal happiness??

10. Matthew 28 tells about how excited the two Marys were when they heard the news that Jesus was alive. We generally talk about things that we are most excited about. Are we that excited about Jesus? I have a feeling that we need to get more excited about Jesus, and enthusiastically talk about him.

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Well, that's my top ten list of favorite lessons I've garnered from the Gospel of Matthew. I sincerely hope you've enjoyed learning along with me. See you tomorrow in Mark!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I just signed up to follow your blog. I'm VERY impressed with your study and writing after I've read this post and your previous guest post on Amy's Blogging Through The Gospels. I'm certain your parents are quite proud of you. You are a fine young man and a shining example of Christ and manhood. Thanks again for opening your thoughts and heart to us here. Blessings to you!
